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What is “Sustainability”?

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What is "Sustainability"? Laura Walsh / Sustainability Stories

And Why Should I Care?

Okay, okay. I get it.

Sustainability is an overused buzzword that seems like it’s lost all meaning.

It might seem like something “other people” do or talk about to seem like they’re better than other people.

My Chicken Meditates More Than Yours

Like “Ohhh, I live sooo sustainably that the only way I enjoy myself is telling people about my sustainable lifestyle,” or

“Oh, I only eat sustainably-raised chicken raised on farms where they frolic freely and are treated to readings of poetry and nightly guided meditation.”

And, sure, there might be some of that, but that’s missing the point.

Just because some people are a bit funny or a bit obnoxious or self-righteous shouldn’t put the rest of us off from doing whatever we can to ensure that this gorgeous planet is around for our weird nieces and nephews, grandchildren, their 200 year old pet turtles, and their kids and their kids and their kids and their kids and their kids and their kids too.

Doin’ It for the Kids

Let’s be real, kids are pretty damn cute and brilliant and they deserve to have a non-burning planet just like the rest of us.

Am I right?

So let’s backtrack a minute, step away from the zenned-out poultry farm and figure out just what sustainability means anyway.

Let’s grab a definition to start so we’ll be on the same page.

Yoo-hoo, UN, Laura Calling.

I’m going to phone a friend and see what, er, the UN has to say about all this.

“Hello, UN? This is Laura from Sustainability Stories and I just wanted to see what you think about sustainability…”

“We’re for it, Laura.”

“Cool, thought so. But don’t you have a standard definition you use, you know so we don’t have to use the old ‘I know it when I see it’ thing from yesteryear.”

“It’s 9pm, Laura. And aren’t you writing this piece on the internet?”

“Why yes I am.”

“Might I suggest Google?” Click-

“What the —” Fine.

My Needs Today and Her Needs Tomorrow

From the UN, sustainability means “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (page 16 of 300!!).

Got that? How about a larger font so it’s easier to see?

Honestly, that sounds totally reasonable. I’m all for saving a slice of the planetary pie for my nonexistent progeny and all those future people I’ll never know and the animals I’ll never pet or ride or lead in a guided meditation or just leave alone.

Let’s invite another voice and get another definition.

How bout… the Environmental Protection Agency?

Sometimes they seem to get a bad rap but I can’t be against protecting my environment, or yours — right?

What do they have to say about it?

They add: “To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”

Okay, all right. (Denzel Washington style).

But… what’s the point? Because —

Isn’t the planet doomed anyway?

This is a question so many are asking, others don’t want to ask (but can’t stop thinking), and many have just shrugged and said “Who cares?” or “What can I do?:

“I’m just one busy and overwhelmed person/

  • one engineer/

  • one small business owner/

  • one university professor/

  • one councilman/

  • one mayor/

  • one corporate manager…

But just one person. What can I do?”

I’m just one person. What can I do?

It’s such a good and important question.

It’s a Big Question and luckily — it has a few not-so-big answers and we’ll be tackling it in the days and weeks and months to come.

And look, I’m not here to blame or shame anyone.

Life is absolutely hard enough as it is.

I’m Here to Help

I’m here to help spread the stories of those who are making important strides in sustainability:

Those businesses that make it possible for individuals to support sustainably-produced products.

Those towns and cities that are making it possible for people to travel sustainably in day to day life, easily and affordably and wonderfully.

Often the news will have us believing that people “just don’t care” but that’s incorrect. People are generally kind and want to help others.

People want to support businesses that are making choices and products that meet “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Call Me to Amplify Your Sustainability Stories

**If you own a business and make a product or a service that doesn’t “compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, you need to make that clear and obvious.

You need to talk about it to your current and potential customers.

**If you run a city and are transforming the way people get around and make it easier for people to walk or bike and take transit, you need to sing that news: let’s talk.

**If you develop housing or other real estate and are providing attractive amenities for those who want to reduce their emissions, we need to let EVERYBODY know.

Make Sustainability Easy Now

You and me and everyone we know need to make it easy for people to make sustainable choices again and again and again and again.

That’s why I’m here, that’s why Sustainability Stories exists. People want to do what’s right, that’s why, as it says in the URL: Sustainability Stories WORK.

Let’s work together and let’s change the world.